Thursday, August 25, 2022

Week 1 - Kaiden Shenandoah Knapp - Best Four (4) Pieces


The above is a compilation I did of my friend, Skye, to hone my attempts at realism for practice. The colored versions are from 2020, maybe 2021, that took me many weeks and even included in my failed portfolio attempt from the same time. The red one is a quick re-do I did this past month to play with a blockier pen shading, and though it's undeniably messier; it's my definite favorite of the bunch. It's an absolute joy to practice my realism attempts using my loved ones as models. I hate drawing realism, but I love them; so it's a good way to exercise it while not hating the entire experience.

Figure and gesture is one of my favorite things to do, ever. These are a compilation of 1 minutes (pink) and 45 seconds (blue) I did in Reza's class back in 2021 that I also included in my failed portfolio review. But my love of figure and gesture is definitely a pushing factor in what's making me want to potentially pursue a path in storyboarding and conceptual art. Makes sense though, I've taken some form of a Figure & Gesture-focused class for almost 4 semesters in total within my entire college career. You kinda gotta like it if you're willing to sit that long with it, and I, very predictably, do like it.

These two were a pair of my own original characters so I could jot down my design/outfit idea down on paper. The focus was trying to uphold a Regency-era style of clothing while merging the two's gendered silhouettes. The girl on the right is supposed to be more masculine, hence her more structured vest, her sleeve design, and a more straight up-and-down skirt in addition to her confident posturing. I wanted the male on the left to be dressed more femininely, hence his tie, a bigger focus on his accessories, for his pants to billow out at the bottom like a flared skirt, and to include more drapery on the sleeves in addition to how he essentially bows to the girl as he listens. The Regency era was very structured in its gender binaries, so the story concept was about how these two neighbors blur it through their respective arcs as they come together. The piece is from early 2020, I believe. I'm also very proud of the coloring, texture, and stylization; though I have less to say about those since the focus was primarily on jotting down a basic idea of how their fashion could both adhere to the gender binary of the time while also blurring it slightly. I definitely should have thumbnailed instead and played with the faces more, rather than go this detailed into my first pass at the characters, but I like the idea of it enough that I'll still show it here. 

Cars are hard and I just really like the composition of this piece in how I utilized the various windows. Definitely goes to show how vital a good reference is. I did this for a fun weekly art challenge that I ended up having to drop out of, but this work was definitely the highlight of the learning experience and I'm extremely proud of myself for accomplishing it. I would have liked to re-do certain details in the characters' hair and faces, as well as make it more obvious they're driving by water than gray nothingness, but I'm still proud of it :)

- Kaiden Shenandoah

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